Capital Football seek candidates to fill three vacancies on board

posted in: Club noticeboard, News

Capital Football are seeking applicants to fill three appointed vacancies on the federation’s board.

The federation says it’s looking for candidates with an affinity for football or sport in general, and a commitment and alignment with Capital Football’s mission to provide, develop and nurture the future of football in the region.

“Successful applicants will have time and a genuine desire to contribute, be self-aware, culturally responsive and understand the difference between governance and management. The role is open to individuals based in the Capital Football catchment area,” the federation says.

“We are committed to having a diverse board, so ethnic, female and younger individuals are especially encouraged to apply. The experience and knowledge we are seeking include law, accounting and human resources.

“The initial term of the appointed role is three years, is unpaid, with an average time commitment of about six hours each month. Board meetings are typically held 10 times per year.”

How to apply

Applications with a covering letter and CV should be sent to: Sola Freeman, chair, Capital Football board.


Applications close on Friday July 12, 2024, and interviews will follow soon after.

More information

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